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TOP-25 International Data Science events 2022

1. WAICF - World Artificial Intelligence Cannes Festival https://worldaicannes.com/ February 10-12, Cannes, France
2. Deep and Reinforcement Learning Summit https://www.re-work.co/events/deep-learning-summit-2022 February 17-18, San Francisco, USA
3. Reinforce https://reinforceconf.com/ March 8-10, Budapest, Hungary
4. MLconf https://mlconf.com/event/mlconf-nyc/ March 31, New York City, USA
5. Open Data Science Conference EAST https://odsc.com/boston/ April 19-21, Boston, USA
6. ICLR - International Conference on Learning Representations https://iclr.cc/ April 25–29, online
7. SDM - SIAM International Conference on Data Mining https://www.siam.org/conferences/cm/conference/sdm22 April 28–30, Westin Alexandria Old Town, Virginia, USA
8. World Summit AI Americas https://americas.worldsummit.ai/ May 4-5, Montreal, Canada
9. The Data Science Conference https://www.thedatascienceconference.com/ May 12-13, Chicago, USA
10. World Data Summit https://worlddatasummit.com/ May 18-22, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
11. Machine Learning Prague https://mlprague.com/ May 27-29, Prague, Czech Republic
12. The AI Summit London https://london.theaisummit.com/ June 15-16, London, UK
13. Machine Learning Week https://www.predictiveanalyticsworld.com/machinelearningweek/ June 19-24, Las Vegas, USA
14. Enterprise AI Summit https://www.re-work.co/events/enterprise-ai-summit-berlin-2022 June 29–30, Berlin, Germany
15. DELTA - International Conference on Deep Learning Theory and Applications https://delta.scitevents.org/ July 12-14, Lisbon, Portugal
16. ICML - International Conference on Machine Learning https://icml.cc/ July 17-23, online
17. KDD - Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining https://kdd.org/kdd2022/ August 14-18, Washington, DC, USA
18. Open Data Science Conference APAC https://odsc.com/apac/ September 7-8, online
19. RecSys – ACM Conference on Recommender Systems https://recsys.acm.org/recsys22/ September 18-23, Seattle, USA
20. INTERSPEECH https://interspeech2022.org/ September 18-22, Incheon, Korea
21. BIG DATA CONFERENCE EUROPE https://bigdataconference.eu/ November 21-24, Vilnius, Lithuania
22. EMNLP - Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing https://2021.emnlp.org/ November, TBA
23. Data Science Conference https://datasciconference.com/ November, Belgrade, Serbia
24. Data Science Summit http://dssconf.pl/ December, Warsaw, Poland
25. NeurIPS https://nips.cc/ December, TBA

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